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Runtime Requirements


The hardware highly depends on the number of agents as well as the type and size of projects.

The  server sizing mentioned below is the minimum for a single agent. Memory is crucial, the more the better.

  • CPU: x86 at least 1GHz

  • Memory: At least 4GB

  • Disk space: At least 6 GB available

Operating System

Windows Server 2008 or higher


When using DATPROF Runtime in a production environment you should have a dedicated Server or Virtual Machine for it.

This will reduce the possibility of users other than the Runtime user accessing the Service database.

Service database

As of version 3.17.0 DATPROF Runtime uses an internal HSQLDB Service database. This database is installed during Runtime installation in the DATA folder of DATPROF Runtime.

For more information about the Service Database check this chapter in the Administration section.

Environment database

Every DATPROF application is installed and operates in an "Environment", which in effect just means a SQL database. Various Database archetypes are supported, and an overview of this is found below. These are guidelines, and generally your mileage may vary when using deviating versions of our supported database archetypes.

Below the list of supported databases.




Version 11.2 and later

Microsoft SQL Server

Version 2012

Version 2014

Version 2016

Version 2017

Version 2019 and later




10.5 and later

DB2 iSeries









DB2 for z/OS



Oracle SQL*Plus Package

Only for Integrate the Runtime Agent requires the local availability of the Oracle SQL*Plus package to execute commands using SQL*Plus.

Check the knowledge base for instructions on how to install this package.

Microsoft SQL Server Additional drivers and tools

PostgreSQL requirements

To use PostgreSQL for DATPROF Subset the target database requires the enabling of a foreign data wrapper (FDW).

Enable this by using this command: CREATE EXTENSION postgres_fwd.

Consult the PostgresSQL documentation for details.

Product specific database Requirements

The Database requirements for the specific DATPROF Products can be found in the Requirements section of the product manuals:


You should have a valid DATPROF Runtime license, available through your local DATPROF Sales representative. (

A license is granted to an organisation or a person and contains an expiration date.

There are 4 tiers of licenses:

  • Free Trial

  • Professional Edition

  • Business Edition

  • Enterprise Edition

Depending on which tier is used, these options provide a variance in the number of allowed installations, agents, users, templates, environments and parallel processes.

Additional System Requirements


DATPROF Runtime uses 5 network ports on your system
Default ports used are:




This is the main port to access your Runtime application.


This is the main port for the service database. It serves as the repository where Runtime stores its metadata.


This is the port that is used for ActiveMQ client-broker communication.


This port is used to implement the STOMP protocol to connect to the ActiveMQ broker and exchange messages.

All port settings are configurable. Check the section Runtime defaults for more information about these port numbers.

Supported Browsers

To access DATPROF Runtime, a browser that supports WebSockets is required. Most modern browsers offer this functionality.

  • Microsoft Edge

  • Chrome

  • Firefox

  • Safari

Microsoft Internet Explorer is no longer supported.

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