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How to install Oracle SQL*Plus Package

When using Oracle as the environment database the DATPROF Runtime Agent requires the local availability of the Oracle SQL*Plus package.

If not installed on the system thSQL*Plus package can be downloaded from the Oracle website: 

The installation requires a valid Oracle account.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Go to:
  2. Select Download.
  3. Get your download by selecting the “Instant Client Package - SQL*Plus” for the platform you're using.
  4. Accept the license.
  5. Download these two packages:
    1. Base package zip file.
    2. SQLPLUS package zip file.
  6. Extract the zip files and copy all files to the same folder.
  7. Add the folder, containing sqlplus.exe , to the PATH of the user that starts the agent ( (info) ).
  8. Open a command box as the user that starts the agent .
  9. Type sqlplus
  10. If SQL*plus is started and demands for a username it’s ok. If not make sure this works by adding it to your PATH.
    1. On Windows you can do this  by opening the “Windows Explorer 
    2. Open the properties of your computer. 
    3. Go to “Change settings” 
    4. Open the tab “Advanced” 
    5. Click “Environment variables”. 
    6. Change the System variable PATH and add the folder containing sqlplus.exe to the PATH.

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