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Masking a MongoDB database is essential for maintaining data security, ensuring compliance, and reducing risks associated with handling sensitive information. Unlike traditional relational databases, MongoDB’s document-based structure allows for flexible and scalable data storage, often containing personal, financial, or proprietary business information.

Without proper data masking, organizations face increased exposure to data breaches, unauthorized access, and regulatory penalties. By replacing sensitive values with anonymized or obfuscated data, masking helps protect personally identifiable information (PII) and other confidential records while preserving data usability for development, testing, and analytics.

For industries governed by strict data privacy regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI-DSS, masking MongoDB databases ensures that non-production environments remain secure without compromising business operations. Implementing effective masking strategies with Runtime allows organizations to maintain data integrity, enhance security, and confidently work with realistic yet de-identified datasets.

MongoDB, Runtime and JSONPath

To mask fields in your database, you’ll need to define them using JSONPath. JSONPath provides a structured way to locate and reference specific fields within your data. This flexibility allows you to mask fields at various levels of your data hierarchy.

In the example below, you can see a demo database structure. To mask the field firstName, you can simply specify it as firstName or use its full JSONPath: $.firstName. Both approaches will correctly identify the field.

DATPROF Runtime MongoDB GASWARE Database.png

For more complex structures, such as arrays, you’ll need to use the JSONPath to navigate to the nested fields. For instance, consider an array named customerHistories that contains multiple fields. To mask the firstName field within this array, the JSONPath would be $.customerHistories.firstName. This ensures that the masking process targets the correct field within the array.

By using JSONPath, you can accurately specify which fields to mask, regardless of their location within the document structure. This provides a precise and efficient method for ensuring sensitive data is securely managed.

Key JSONPath Operators






Root node


Selects the entire document


Child node


Retrieves customer id’s e.g. 95764


Recursive descent


Retrieves all dateOfBirth values


Wildcard (all elements)


Retrieves all titles in customersHistories


Specific index


Retrieves the first record from customerHistories array


Specific key


Retrieves values from email field, e.g. ""

Building a MongoDB Application

In this section, we will guide you through the process of building a custom application within DATPROF Runtime to effectively mask sensitive data in a MongoDB database. With the ability to use JSONPath for precise data targeting, you can configure masking rules to meet specific privacy and compliance requirements.

Before you can begin building a MongoDB application, you'll need to set up a group and an environment. Detailed instructions on this process can be found in the Groups and Environments section of the Runtime documentation.

DATPROF Runtime MongoDB Installed applications.png

After pressing “Install Application”, you’ll be greeted by the following screen:

DATPROF Runtime MongoDB Create a new application.png

Press “Create a new application” to begin building your first application!

Application Editor

The interface of the Application editor is quite intuitive, but we’ll walk you through the key features to ensure you get the most out of it. Start by entering the following information:

Name: Enter a unique and descriptive name for your application. This name will be used to identify your application within the DATPROF Runtime interface.
Version: Specify the version of the application you’re creating. Versioning helps you manage updates and track changes to your application over time.
Description: Provide a brief yet informative description of your application. This should outline its purpose, key features, and any relevant details that can help users understand its function.

Once you’ve entered the application details, you’re ready to start building your application and configuring it to mask your MongoDB database!

DATPROF Runtime MongoDB Application Editor.png

Masking Functions

DATPROF Runtime supports over 40 masking functions for MongoDB. Masking functions provide powerful and flexible ways to anonymize sensitive data within MongoDB databases. These functions allow you to apply a wide range of masking techniques, such as character replacement, data encryption, or randomization, to ensure that sensitive information is properly protected while maintaining the integrity and usability of the dataset. Whether you’re masking personal identifiers (PII), financial data, or other confidential information, DATPROF Runtime’s masking functions enable fine-grained control over how data is transformed.

This section will introduce you to the available masking functions for MongoDB.


The following data masking functions are available in Runtime for MongoDB:

Masking Functions


Constant value

Creates a constant value in the generated dataset that is identical for every field. I.e. inputting MyFavoriteValue here will generate ‘MyFavoriteValue’ for every field in the resulting field’s dataset.

Date/time modifier

This function will change the existing date to a fixed day in the same month. Or to a fixed day in the first month of the same year. With this change, in most cases the new values remain functionally viable.

Custom expression

The JavaScript custom expression should resolve to a value or contain a function that returns a value.

Value lookup

With this function the replacement value will be obtained from a lookup collection or translation collection.


This function will NULL the selected field(s).


The shuffle function ensures that all values in the selected field(s) are randomly mixed, like shuffling a deck of cards. The data distribution remains the same, which will ensure that the same values in the former situation, also obtain the same new values. A normal shuffle is a shuffle without selecting multiple fields.

DATPROF Runtime MongoDB Shuffle Function.png

DATPROF Runtime MongoDB Date Time Modifier Function.png

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Basic Generators

The following basic generator functions are available in Runtime for MongoDB:

Basic Generators


Random date/time

Generates a random Date/Time value per field between a specified minimum and maximum datetime that corresponds with the underlying field’s datatype.

Sequential date/time

Identical to the Random Date/Time generator except that this generator creates a sequential datetime for every field. Supplying a maximum datetime is optional.

A number to increment the starting date is required, and can only accept whole numbers. Any unit of time to increment by can be chosen, from seconds to years.

Random decimal number

Generates a random decimal number between a supplied minimum and maximum value for every field.

Using the Scale setting the decimal accuracy can be defined. For instance, a generator with a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 1000 using a scale of 4 might generate 132.4202.

Random whole number

Generates a random integer between a supplied minimum and maximum value for every field.

Sequential whole number

Generates a sequential number for every field that starts at a specified value and increments by the step value per field.

Additionally, you can define a Padding for your generated integers. This is a set number that will be affixed to the generated integer. For example, using a padding of 3, and a start of 8 with a step of 2 will generate the following:

008 → 010 → 012

Random string

Generates a random string of lower- and uppercase letters for every field. The minimum and maximum length for strings can be defined.

DATPROF Runtime MongoDB Random Decimal Number Function.png

DATPROF Runtime MongoDB Random Date Time Function.png

DATPROF Runtime MongoDB Random String Function.png

Business Generators

The following business generator functions are available in Runtime for MongoDB:

Business Generators


Credit card account number

Generates a random credit card account number. Using Issuer(s), you must define one or multiple issuers to determine which syntax the generated account numbers adhere to.

IBAN (International Bank Account Number)

Generates a valid IBAN number for every field. Using Country Code(s) you can specify which country codes you’d like your resulting IBAN codes to use.

SSN (US Social Security Number)

Generates a SSN for every field. You can specify how you want to separate your resulting numbers.

You can choose one of the following formats:

  • None (Example: 101010101, 003122142)

  • Dashed (Example: 101-01-0101, 003-12-2142)

  • Spaced (Example: 101 01 0101, 003 12 2142)

A-Number/GBA Number (Dutch township security number)

Generates a 10 digit GBA number per field.

BSN Number (Dutch citizen service number)

Generates a valid Dutch social security number per field.


Generates a profession for every field. Using the Language(s) you can specify which language(s) you want your resulting job names generated in.

Military rank

Generates a military rank name for every field. Using Department(s) you can specify which branches of the armed forces you’d like to include in your resulting dataset.

DATPROF Runtime MongoDB Credit Card Account Number Function.png

DATPROF Runtime MongoDB IBAN Generator Function.png

DATPROF Runtime MongoDB Job Function.png

Advanced Generators

The following advanced generator functions are available in Runtime for MongoDB:

Advanced Generators


Regular expression

Generates values based upon a regular expression. The syntax for the regular expression used in Runtime/Privacy is specific to the package we use, so please refer to the specifications here.

Name Generators

The following name generator functions are available in Runtime for MongoDB:

Name Generators



The Brand generator creates a unique brand name for each field in your dataset. It is particularly useful when working with data that requires distinct and realistic brand names.

Color code

Generates a color hexcode (Both three-digit shorthand and six-digit full length hexcodes) per field.


Generates a random color per field. (Ex. Baby Blue, Sky Blue, Soft White)

Two letter country code

Generates a random country code per field either in a 2 letter country code.

Three letter country code

Generates a random country code per field either in a 4 letter country code.

Currency code

Generates a three letter currency code for every field.

Currency symbol

Generates a currency symbol for every field.


The Dinosaur generator generates a Dinosaur name for each field in your dataset.


Generates a media genre for every field.

User agent

Generates user agents per field, for example: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.13; Mac_PowerPC), Opera/8.53 (Windows NT 5.2; U; en).

First name

The First name generator creates a unique first name for each field in your dataset. It is particularly useful when working with data that requires distinct and realistic first names.

Full name

The Full name generator creates a unique full name for each field in your dataset.

First name (female)

The First name (female) generator creates a unique female first name for each field in your dataset.

First name (male)

The First name (male) generator creates a unique male first name for each field in your dataset.

Last name

The Last name generator creates a unique last name for each field in your dataset.

Random word

The Random word generator generates a random word for each field in your dataset.

DATPROF Runtime MongoDB First Name Female Function.png
DATPROF Runtime MongoDB First Name Female Function Condition.png
DATPROF Runtime MongoDB Genre Function.png

Location Generators

The following name generator functions are available in Runtime for MongoDB:

Location Generators



Generates a random city name per field. Here, you can specify for which countries you’d like to generate random names using the Countries drop-down menu.


The Company generator generates a random company name for each field in your dataset.


Generates a random country name per field. The Language(s) option specifies in which language the country will be written. Multiple options can be enabled simultaneously.


Generates a random existing street name per field. The Countries option allows you to specify for which country street names will be generated.

DATPROF Runtime MongoDB Company Function.png

DATPROF Runtime MongoDB Country Function.png

DATPROF Runtime MongoDB Street Function.png


The Dependencies tab allows you to specify functions that the selected masking function depends on. This means the selected functions must complete first before this function is executed.

DATPROF Runtime MongoDB Dependencies.png


The Condition tab enables you to apply filters to the selected fields based on specific values. This allows you to define precise masking rules that apply only when certain conditions are met.

Format the filter as a MongoDB query predicate. (e.g. {last_name:'Smith'})

For example, in our demonstration, we’ll use the First Name (Female) generator to mask the selected field only when the gender field contains the value "F". This ensures that the masking function is applied selectively, preserving the integrity of other records while maintaining realistic and consistent data.

DATPROF Runtime MongoDB Condition.png


You can choose to store the result of the data masking function in a translation collection. This is particularly useful in implementing consistent data masking between collections. Translation collections store the old and the new value for each field value in the collection.

You can also use a ValueLookup function against a Translation collection when masking other collections or applications, effecting consistent masking across the Estate.

The Translation tab inside a masking function lets you create and name translation collections:

DATPROF Runtime MongoDB Translation.png

Output Datatypes

In MongoDB, output data types define the format of the data stored in documents and retrieved from the database. MongoDB’s flexible schema allows fields in a document to have various data types, ensuring optimal handling of diverse data structures.

Runtime supports multiple data types and can modify the data type of a field when necessary. You can specify the desired data type in your masking function to meet specific requirements. However, for certain functions, such as the IBAN generator function, the data type used may be predefined and cannot be changed.

Understanding these data types is essential for effectively managing, querying, and processing data within MongoDB and Runtime.





Represents a double-precision 64-bit floating-point number. This type is used for numerical values with decimals.

3.14, -123.45


Stores text data as a sequence of characters. It is one of the most commonly used data types.

"DATPROF", "MongoDB"


A unique identifier automatically generated for each document in a collection. It is a 12-byte value consisting of a timestamp and other unique information.


bool (Boolean)

Stores a binary value representing either true or false. It is used for logical fields.

true, false


Represents a specific point in time, stored in milliseconds since the Unix epoch (January 1, 1970).


Int (Integer)

Stores 32-bit signed whole numbers, used for counting or indexing.

42, -100


Stores 64-bit signed integers, allowing storage of larger whole numbers than int.



Represents high-precision, 128-bit floating-point numbers, suitable for financial or other exact calculations.


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