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General Articles

This section of the Knowledge Base is meant to contain all articles that pertain to DATPROF software, but cannot be attributed to a single program, or are applicable to multiple programs.

Does the recovery model in Microsoft Sql Server matter when using Subset or Privacy?@a userAug 16, 2022
In my database I find DPV_?? Tables. Can I remove these?@a userAug 09, 2022
Which operating systems does DATPROF Software support?@a userAug 02, 2022
Can I adjust the PARALLEL setting while running Privacy or Subset?@a userAug 01, 2022
I need to do some database maintenance and my Subset/Privacy run has started. What to do?@a userJul 29, 2022
(Oracle) Cannot create Constraint (Primary Key/Unique constraint) ORA-0095: name is already used by an existing object@a userJul 28, 2022
How about DME Files, do they have limitations?@a userJul 28, 2022
Where do Privacy and Subset save the list of recently used projects?@a userJul 28, 2022
How can I specify Oracle settings in DATPROF software@a userJul 28, 2022
How to set/override your Default Collection for DB2 iSeries@a userFeb 01, 2022
Where does Privacy and Subset save the list of connections?@a userJul 05, 2018
Why do SQL scripts never run parallel?@a userJul 04, 2018

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