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An Introduction To Virtualize API Usage


DATPROF Virtualize is orchestrated entirely from within DATPROF Runtime. This means that all of its core functionality can also be called by using our REST API, for administrators and end-user who want to automate the deployment, cloning, snapshotting and monitoring of virtualized database environments. This page gives insights into some of the more common API calls and actions users can be expected to perform through the API. For a full overview of the API specification, the user can navigate to the automatically generated API specification within Runtime by using the API Docs link in the bottom-left corner of the user interface.

Where possible we’ll rely on PowerShell to execute our commands.

This page uses some variables which are pulled from other parts of Runtime. This means that if you’d like to reproduce these, you’ll need to have a basic understanding of the Runtime API itself, which is described in the Runtime manual.

Table of Contents

This page is subdivided into the following individual chapters:

  • Container Hosts

  • Manipulating containers

  • Cloning

  • Snapshotting

Container Hosts

Collecting information about existing container hosts

To collect information about container hosts, supplying variables is not necessary. We only need to adjust the URI of our base API call.

Variable Name



This is the container host ID of the container, which is used to collect information about the container host through the API. In other calls, this is referred to as containerHostId.


The name of the container host, as supplied by the user.


The host name or IP-address of the container host.


The port over which traffic to and from the container host travels.


The isConfigured value indicates whether the initial setup steps performed during the adding of a container host have been completed. Generally, this value will always be returned as True from this API call.

PowerShell Syntax
$runtimeURL = '<your_runtime_url_here>'
$apikey = '<your_API_key_here>'

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $runtimeUrl'/api/2/virtualize/hosts' -Headers @{"X-Auth-Token"="$apiKey"} -Method GET -ContentType "application/json" | ConvertFrom-Json
PowerShell Example
$runtimeURL = 'http://localhost:7070'
$apikey = '83d0c41e-0c76-41e9-a6e1-51ba150f73f2'

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $runtimeUrl'/api/2/virtualize/hosts' -Headers @{"X-Auth-Token"="$apiKey"} -Method GET -ContentType "application/json" | ConvertFrom-Json


Variable Name



This is the container host ID of the container, which is used to collect information about the container host through the API. In other calls, this is referred to as containerHostId.


The name of the image


The host name or IP-address of the container host.


The port over which traffic to and from the container host travels.


The isConfigured value indicates whether the initial setup steps performed during the adding of a container host have been completed. Generally, this value will always be returned as True from this API call.

Creating a new container host

In order to create a new container host, a valid base Virtualize VM must be running and accessible over either your local network if hosted locally, or externally if the VM is hosted in, for example, the cloud. To do this, the user must supply the following values in the request’s body:

  • The name value, which indicates which name the container host will get after creation.

  • A valid host value which contains either the VM’s IP-address, or a valid host-name that redirects to the virtual machine.

  • The port over which communication to the VM can be done. By default this is port 2376 when using DATPROF’s Virtualize VM image.

PowerShell Syntax
$runtimeURL = '<your_runtime_url_here>'
$apikey = '<your_API_key_here>'
$body = @"
      `"name`": `"<container_host_name>`",
      `"host`": `"<ip_or_host_name>`",
      `"port`": `"<container port>`"
 Invoke-WebRequest $runtimeURL'/api/2/virtualize/hosts' -Method POST -Headers @{"X-Auth-Token"="$apiKey"} -Body $body -ContentType "Application/json"
PowerShell Example
$runtimeURL = 'http://localhost:7070'
$apikey = '900c568e-0ad6-4a51-bbef-65e3e1d8df7a'
$body = @"
      `"name`": `"SampleContainerHost`",
      `"host`": `"datprof-vm`",
      `"port`": `"2376`"
 Invoke-WebRequest $runtimeURL'/api/2/virtualize/hosts' -Method POST -Headers @{"X-Auth-Token"="$apiKey"} -Body $body -ContentType "Application/json"

Uploading container images to the container host

In order to start working with Virtualize, we need to upload container images for the database types we want to work with. For this call, we’ll need the ContainerHostId, and the file we want to upload. For this call, we’ll use Curl, as this handles files a bit more easily than PowerShell, and allows us to supply a file without needing to convert it into binary first. First, we’ll look into how to get out container image files.

In order to execute curl through PowerShell, simply input curl.exe at the start of your command.

Saving a docker image as a file

Normally, when using Docker, users make use of the docker pull command to store an image in something like the Docker Desktop application. For our use-case, we’ll need to have this available as a separate file on the file system. We can do this by exporting the image from Docker by using the docker save command. Here’s a quick overview on how to do this on Windows command-line:

Docker Syntax
Docker pull <image_name>

docker save <image_name> -o "<output_file_directory_and_name>"     
Docker Example
Docker pull postgres

docker save postgres -o "C:\temp\postgres.image"

Uploading the container image

Now that we have a file on the filesystem, we can upload it to the Container host.

Curl syntax
$runtimeURL = '<your_runtime_url_here>'
$apikey = '<your_API_key_here>'

$file = 'C:\temp\my.image' 
curl.exe -F file=@"$file"  --header "X-auth-token: $apikey"  $runtimeURL'/api/2/virtualize/hosts/<ContainerHostId>/images'  -X POST -s | ConvertFrom-Json
Curl example
$runtimeURL = 'http://localhost:7070'
$apikey = '83d0c41e-0c76-41e9-a6e1-51ba150f73f2'

$file = 'C:\temp\my.image' 
curl.exe -F file=@"$file"  --header "X-auth-token: $apikey"  $runtimeURL'/api/2/virtualize/hosts/1/images'  -X POST -s | ConvertFrom-Json

Listing existing container images

In order to view which container images are present, it’s possible to use the List images on the container host, and query a list of the available images on the container host. For this call the only input needed is the ContainerHostId.

PowerShell Syntax
$runtimeURL = '<your_runtime_url_here>'
$apikey = '<your_API_key_here>'

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $runtimeUrl'/api/2/virtualize/hosts/<ContainerHostId>/containers' -Headers @{"X-Auth-Token"="$apiKey"} -Method GET -ContentType "application/json" | ConvertFrom-Json
PowerShell Example
$runtimeURL = 'http://localhost:7070'
$apikey = '83d0c41e-0c76-41e9-a6e1-51ba150f73f2'

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $runtimeUrl'/api/2/virtualize/hosts/1/containers' -Headers @{"X-Auth-Token"="$apiKey"} -Method GET -ContentType "application/json" | ConvertFrom-Json

Manipulating Containers

When manipulating containers (starting, stopping, etc), there are two variants for each API call. One uses a combination of the containerHostId and the containerName, and one uses the EnvironmentId of the environment the container is attached to. For the below examples, the EnvironmentId version is used.

Starting a container

In order to start a container, we only need the EnvironmentID of the environment the container is attached to.

PowerShell Syntax
$runtimeURL = '<your_runtime_url_here>'
$apikey = '<your_API_key_here>'

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $runtimeUrl'/api/2/virtualize/environment/start/<environment_id>' -Headers @{"X-Auth-Token"="$apiKey"} -Method POST -ContentType "application/json" | ConvertFrom-Json
PowerShell Example
$runtimeURL = 'http://localhost:7070'
$apikey = '83d0c41e-0c76-41e9-a6e1-51ba150f73f2'

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $runtimeUrl'/api/2/virtualize/environment/start/32' -Headers @{"X-Auth-Token"="$apiKey"} -Method POST -ContentType "application/json" | ConvertFrom-Json

Stopping a container

Much like starting a container, we only need the EnvironmentID of the environment the container is attached to.

PowerShell Syntax
$runtimeURL = '<your_runtime_url_here>'
$apikey = '<your_API_key_here>'

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $runtimeUrl'/api/2/virtualize/environment/stop/<environment_id>' -Headers @{"X-Auth-Token"="$apiKey"} -Method POST -ContentType "application/json" | ConvertFrom-Json
PowerShell Example
$runtimeURL = 'http://localhost:7070'
$apikey = '83d0c41e-0c76-41e9-a6e1-51ba150f73f2'

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $runtimeUrl'/api/2/virtualize/environment/stop/32' -Headers @{"X-Auth-Token"="$apiKey"} -Method POST -ContentType "application/json" | ConvertFrom-Json


Cloning virtualized database environments

In order to clone a virtualized environment, we need to know the original environment’s environmentId, as well as the port mapping for the new environment and a name for the new environment. We can figure out the port mapping by using the Clone Information call.

Collecting clone information

PowerShell Syntax
$runtimeURL = '<your_runtime_url_here>'
$apikey = '<your_API_key_here>'

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $runtimeUrl'/api/2/virtualize/environment/clone/<environment_id>' -Method 'GET'  -Headers @{"X-Auth-Token"="$apiKey"} | ConvertTo-Json
PowerShell Example
$runtimeURL = 'http://localhost:7070'
$apikey = '900c568e-0ad6-4a51-bbef-65e3e1d8df7a'
Invoke-WebReqiest -Uri $runtimeUrl'/api/2/virtualize/environment/clone/14' -Method 'GET'  -Headers @{"X-Auth-Token"="$apiKey"} | ConvertTo-Json

Variable Name



This is the name of the current environment, as determined by the EnvironmentId provided


A list of all the port numbers already used by containers based on the original


This is a nested object which contains the following:

  • host: the port number used by the host, and also the port number the user should modify when cloning the container.

  • container: the port number used by the container. In most cases, this is static.

  • protocol: which network protocol is used to facilitate network communication (TCP or UDP)

Creating a new cloned environment

In order to create a new cloned environment, we need to supply some of the information pulled from the Clone Information call (the port mapping of our old container, and the protocol network protocol used). Aside from that, we just need to have the EnvironmentId of the environment we want to clone.

PowerShell Syntax
$runtimeURL = '<your_runtime_url_here>'
$apikey = '<your_API_key_here>'
$body = @"
  `"portMappings`": [ {
      `"host`": `"<new_port_number>`",
      `"container`": `"<container_port_number>`",
      `"protocol`": `"TCP`"
    } ],
  `"environmentName`": `"API_EXAMPLE`"

$response = Invoke-RestMethod 'http://localhost:7070/api/2/virtualize/environment/clone/<environment_id>' -Method 'POST' -Headers @{"X-Auth-Token"="$apiKey"} -Body $body
$response | ConvertTo-Json
PowerShell Example
$runtimeURL = 'http://localhost:7070'
$apikey = '900c568e-0ad6-4a51-bbef-65e3e1d8df7a'
$body = @"
  `"portMappings`": [ {
      `"host`": `"5512`",
      `"container`": `"5432`",
      `"protocol`": `"TCP`"
    } ],
  `"environmentName`": `"API_EXAMPLE`"

$response = Invoke-RestMethod 'http://localhost:7070/api/2/virtualize/environment/clone/14' -Method 'POST' -Headers @{"X-Auth-Token"="$apiKey"} -Body $body
$response | ConvertTo-Json

This call only returns a single integer; the EnvironmentId of the new clone, which is now referred to as a virtualized environment. To get more information about this new environment, execute the Clone Information call, using the newly generated ID.

Deleting a cloned environment

In order to delete a cloned environment, the regular API call to remove an environment can be used.


Snapshotting virtualized database environments

One benefit of environments being virtualized is that these can be easily snapshotted and restored from either the Runtime UI, or the REST API. To illustrate the functionality, this chapter includes the following steps:

  • Listing existing snapshots for a virtualized environment

  • Creating a new snapshot

  • Restoring to a specific snapshot

  • Removing snapshots

Listing existing snapshots for an environment

To retrieve a list of snapshots, we use the Retrieve a list of all available snapshots call. To execute this, the only variable needed is the EnvironmentId of the environment we’d like to use.

PowerShell Syntax
$runtimeURL = '<your_runtime_url_here>'
$apikey = '<your_API_key_here>'

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $runtimeUrl'/api/2/virtualize/snapshot/<EnvironmentId>' -Headers @{"X-Auth-Token"="$apiKey"} -Method GET -ContentType "application/json" | ConvertFrom-Json
PowerShell Example
$runtimeURL = 'http://localhost:7070'
$apikey = '83d0c41e-0c76-41e9-a6e1-51ba150f73f2'

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $runtimeUrl'/api/2/virtualize/snapshot/14' -Headers @{"X-Auth-Token"="$apiKey"} -Method GET -ContentType "application/json" | ConvertFrom-Json

Variable Name



The id for a snapshots consists of a pair of values:

  • createdBy, which is the id of the user who created the snapshot

  • The name of the snapshot. This is returned as the timestamp on which the snapshot was originally created.

These are returned together in JSON format.


The UserId of the user who created this snapshot.


The timestamp on which the snapshot was originally created (Ex. 2024-09-02T09:30:49Z).

Creating a new snapshot

To create a new snapshot, we use the Creates a new snapshot, returns the created snapshot call. This only requires the EnvironmentId of the environment we’d like to create a new snapshot for.

PowerShell Syntax
$runtimeURL = '<your_runtime_url_here>'
$apikey = '<your_API_key_here>'

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $runtimeUrl'/api/2/virtualize/snapshot/<environment_id>' -Headers @{"X-Auth-Token"="$apiKey"} -Method POST -ContentType "application/json" | ConvertFrom-Json
Powershell Example
$runtimeURL = 'http://localhost:7070'
$apikey = '83d0c41e-0c76-41e9-a6e1-51ba150f73f2'

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $runtimeUrl'/api/2/virtualize/snapshot/14' -Headers @{"X-Auth-Token"="$apiKey"} -Method POST -ContentType "application/json" | ConvertFrom-Json

Deleting a snapshot

The request body for deleting a snapshot is a bit more complex, as this requires the id of the snapshot, which is a itself a pair of the createdBy value and the timestamp on which the container was created. The easiest way to obtain this is to use the Retrieve a list of all available snapshots call, and copy over the id. On top of this, we need the EnvironmentId of the environment the snapshot is attached to.

PowerShell Syntax
$runtimeURL = '<your_runtime_url_here>'
$apikey = '<your_API_key_here>'
$body = @"
Invoke-WebRequest $runtimeURL'/api/2/virtualize/snapshot/<environment_id>' -Method DELETE -Headers @{"X-Auth-Token"="$apiKey"} -Body $body -ContentType "Application/json"
PowerShell Example
$runtimeURL = 'http://localhost:7070'
$apikey = '900c568e-0ad6-4a51-bbef-65e3e1d8df7a'
$body = @"
Invoke-WebRequest $runtimeURL'/api/2/virtualize/snapshot/14' -Method DELETE -Headers @{"X-Auth-Token"="$apiKey"} -Body $body -ContentType "Application/json"

The only output for this call is the HTTP status code for the call. If this is 200, the action was successful.

Restoring from a snapshot

In order to restore from a snapshot, we’ll need the same information as in the Deleting a snapshot chapter.

PowerShell Syntax
$runtimeURL = '<your_runtime_url_here>'
$apikey = '<your_API_key_here>'
$body = @"
Invoke-WebRequest $runtimeURL'/api/2/virtualize/snapshot/<environment_id>/restore' -Method POST -Headers @{"X-Auth-Token"="$apiKey"} -Body $body -ContentType "Application/json"
PowerShell Example
$runtimeURL = 'http://localhost:7070'
$apikey = '900c568e-0ad6-4a51-bbef-65e3e1d8df7a'
$body = @"
 Invoke-WebRequest $runtimeURL'/api/2/virtualize/snapshot/14/restore' -Method POST -Headers @{"X-Auth-Token"="$apiKey"} -Body $body -ContentType "Application/json"

The only output for this call is the HTTP status code for the call. If this is 200, the action was successful.

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