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Deployment Options

There are two options to deploy your template. During development you can directly execute it from DATPROF Subset to the database inside the deployment center. When your template is finished you can also generate it as a Runtime application and upload and deploy it in DATPROF Runtime. Within DATPROF Runtime you can create multiple environments (target databases) and deploy the template from there. If you would like to know more about the general functionality of Runtime, please refer to the manual here

The Deployment screen allows the user to deploy the configured Subset directly to the database. By pressing Start the subset project will be generated and executed against the target database. During the run, the process can be paused or aborted using the Pause and Abort buttons. 

The progress of the run can be followed inside the monitor and in the tab LoggingInformation about which modules, its classification, source and target counts are shown in the monitor. 

 The tab Logging can be used to view the steps and the results of the individual actions. This logging might be useful for analyzing problems.

Subset Deployment Finished.png

Direct Deployment & Legacy Deployment

With DATPROF Subset 4.0 comes a new standard approach in how a template is being executed. An Runtime agent is embedded in the DATPROF Subset 4.x installation and is being used as the default deployment method. This deployment mode is for each supported database available. The old pre 4.x deployment mode is still available for a short period of time under Project → Use legacy deployment. These code generators are deprecated. 

Direct Deployment

Direct Deployment (legacy)

Runtime Deployment





MS SQL Server




DB2 for iSeries




DB2 for Linux, Unix, Windows (LUW)




DB2 for z/OS






MySQL / MariaDB



Deployment options

When running a Subset template, the deployment options can be altered by referring to the tabs located at the bottom of the deployment page.


Several options are available to influence the execution of a Subset run.


Runtime settings

  • Auto Retry modules in error after minutes: If specified a process will restart after the given time in minutes when it was stopped by an error.

  • Maximum parallel processes: This value specifies the maximum amount of parallel processes DATPROF Subset uses. The default is 8.

  • Schema for temporary tables: This option specifies the schema name to store the temporary tables. Default this is the Target Schema and this schema should be available in the Target database. 

  • Maximum functional iterations: This values specifies the maximum number of Functional iterations allowed. When using large and complex models it might be necessary to limit this because the deployment time takes too long.

Integrity settings

  • Don’t enforce integrity: With this option enabled the Foreign Key relations are not validated. Missing “parent-records” will not be added. (No technical iteration). It is not recommended to enable this option.

  • Enforce referential integrity: With this option enabled all Foreign Key relations are validated and missing “parent-records” are added. (Technical iteration)

  • Enforce Functional and Referential integrity: With this option enabled all Foreign Key relations are validated and missing “Parent-records” are added. (Technical iteration). 
    Also all “Child-records” are added for Foreign Key relations which are classified as Functional Consistent (Functional iteration).

Settings (Legacy; enable under project - use legacy mode)

Several options are available to influence the execution of a Subset template.

  • Bypass triggers: By default triggers are disabled at the beginning of the subset process. By un-checking this option triggers remain enabled. Enabled triggers may cause performance and data related problems.

  • Bypass constraints: With this option enabled all constraints (Primary, unique, referential) on the effected  tables are dropped to avoid disturbing the Subset process. After successful subsetting they are re-created.
    In a normal situation it is not recommended to preserve the constraints because this will impact the performance and may cause data errors. 

  • Bypass indexes:  With this option enabled indexes are removed during the deployment. After successful subsetting they are re-created.
    Un-checking this option slows down performance greatly.

  • Don’t enforce integrity: With this option enabled the Foreign Key relations are not validated. Missing “parent-records” will not be added. (No technical iteration). It is not recommended to enable this option.

  • Enforce referential integrity: With this option enabled all Foreign Key relations are validated and missing “parent-records” are added. (Technical iteration)

  • Enforce Functional and Referential integrity: With this option enabled all Foreign Key relations are validated and missing “Parent-records” are added. (Technical iteration).
    Also all “Child-records” are added for Foreign Key relations which are classified as Functional Consistent (Functional iteration).

Tab: Advanced (Legacy; enable under project - use legacy mode)

Some additional options are available which have effect on the Deployment process.

  • Abort deployment after minutes: If specified the deployment will abort after the given time in minutes.

  • Abort deployment after following time: If specified the deployment will abort at the given time.

  • Auto Retry modules in error after minutes: If specified a process will restart after the given time in minutes when it was stopped by an error.

  • Maximum parallel processes: This value specifies the maximum amount of parallel processes DATPROF Subset uses. The default is 8.

  • Maximum functional iterations: This values specifies the maximum number of Functional iterations allowed. When using large and complex models it might be necessary to limit this because the deployment time takes too long.

  • Schema for temporary tables: This option specifies the schema name to store the temporary tables. Default this is the Target Schema and this schema should be available in the Target database. 

Tab: Logging


The tab Logging shows the information of the last Deployed Subset process.

This information can be exported to a text file by pressing Export…

To open the location of all the log files, press Deployment Folder (not available in legacy deployment mode)

Audit log

After finishing the Subset process an audit log can be created by clicking on Audit Log.

This log shows up immediately and is also saved in a sub-folder of the project Deployment folder.

This Audit log shows information of the Source and Target database and statistics of every subsetted table.

Subset Audit Report.png

Tab: Comments


The tab Comments enables the user to add Deployment comments. This information is used whenever the user creates a report using the option Generate comments report in the menu Project.

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