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Release information

The latest version of this documentation is available at

DATPROF Subset 4.7


This release contains a bugfix

  • Fixed issue with duplicate table names existing in different imported schema's 

This release contains bugfixes

  • Fixed data conversion issue with multi column foreign keys on IBM DB2 on iSeries
  • Fixed an issue with the JA16SJIS character set on Oracle Databases

This release contains bugfixes

  • Fixed issues on Oracle databases that use characters sets requiring orai18n.jar

This release contains fixes and improvements

  • Improved performance for Append Queries on DB2 iSeries 
  • Fixed issue to reset error status and red progressbar when auto retry fixes the issue. 
  • Fixes issue when creating a new project when another project is already opened
  • Fixed issue opening a existing project when there is no project opened. 
  • Fixed import issue on PostgreSQL 9.6
  • The target schema (schema mapping) is no longer resetted when the password is entered or cleared
  • Fixed DB2 iSeries issue when table contains a CLOB/BLOB column. 
DescriptionThis release contains fixes
  • Fixes issue where RAW datatypes for oracle, throw an exception in certain cases.
  • Upgrade NPGSQL (Postgres AWS support)
DescriptionThis release contains fixes
  • Fixes issue while retrieving check constraints on MySQL
  • Fixes issue while dropping constraints on MySQL
  • Fixed issue with Technical Append Action with double keys joins
DescriptionThis release contains a fix for the installer
  • Fixes issue with downloading dependencies. Internet is not required. 

DATPROF Subset 4.7 is now 64bit. An extra dependency is the requirement of .NET Framework 4.8.

This release contains new features and fixes

  • Added new reference visualization inside table properties 
  • Added extra information in technical iterations to see how many parent records are missing
  • Gather statistics will not longer cause errors but warning instead
  • Fixed custom JAVA memory causing an error error instead of warning

Important: When generating Runtime applications with DATPROF Subset 4.7, Runtime 4.0.2 or higher is recommended 

An offline installer of .NET 4.8 framework can be downloaded here:



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