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All Logging is saved in the DATPROF Runtime Data folders.

The logging consists of two parts and is configurable.

  1. The logging of the runtime application: the Runtime Service
  2. The logging of the runtime agents.

Runtime Service Logging

The Runtime service logging is saved in the <RuntimeDataFolder>\logs

This folder contains

  • runtime-service.log, the current log file
  • runtime-service-<yyyy-mm-dd.<Sequence.>log : History log
  • runtime-port.txt, contains current Runtime portnumber, It is used to stop the Runtime service
  • runtime-pid.txt, contains current Runtime process id,It is used to stop the Runtime service

The number and size of the service logs are configurable by editing the file <RuntimeDataFolder>\conf\logback.xml

Agent Service Logging

The Runtime service logging is saved in the <RuntimeDataFolder>\agents\<AgentNr>\logs

Every agent has its own logfiles.

This folder contains:

  • Runtime-agent.log, the current log file for this agent
  • Runtime-agent-<yyyy-mm-dd>.<Sequence.>log : History log

The number and size of the agentlogs are configurable by editing the file <RuntimeDataFolder>\agents\<agentId>\conf\logback.xml

Configuring logfiles

The logging system is highly configurable.

The system used is logback. check:

Both Runtime service and Runtime agents use the same type of configuration file: logback.xml.

Below two important settings you can easily adjust.


This means: the logfiles grows to 50MB, then a new one is created. The maximum number of files is 5.

DATPROF Runtime as a Windows service

When running DATPROF Runtime as a Windows Service there are additional logfiles in the winsw (Windows Software Wrapper) folder.

  • DatprofRuntimeService.out.log : All output normally written in the startup commandbox.
  • DatprofRuntimeService.err.log: All error output.
  • DatprofRuntimeService.wrapper.log: The logging of the Wrapper itself.

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