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Upgrade instructions

Stop all Active processes

An upgraded verson of Runtime cannot run with existing (old) agents so before upgrading Runtime you should ensure that:

  • All applications are stopped.
    Login as an admin user and check the dashboard for running applications. Do not upgrade before all applications have finished (or aborted).
  • All agents are stopped (As of the agent rework in 4.4.0 this is no longer a required step as inactive agents are automatically dropped.)
    Login as an admin user and select Administration → Agents. Make sure all agents are set to "Unavailable" .*
  • DATPROF Runtime has shutdown. To check this, open the Windows Task Manager and confirm there are no Runtime processes still running. 

It is also possible to stop both the Runtime service as well as all the Runtime agents by using the /a option (or -a on Linux) for the stopRuntime script.

Create a backup.

Once the applications and agents have stopped and Runtime has shutdown, do the following:

  • Create a backup of your Runtime Data folder (previously also referred to as the "Home" folder)
  • Make a backup of your Runtime database
    Internal database
    When you use the internal database this backup is already done by the backup of your Runtime Data folder.
    External database (installed before Runtime 3.17)
    Make a backup of the Service Database User/Schema using your own database backup tooling.
  • If DATPROF Runtime is installed as a service, remove the service.

Extract the new software

Extract the Runtime software into a NEW Runtime Installation Folder.

This will create a sub-folder named runtime-<version>.

Example: c:\Apps\Datprof\runtime-3.17.0

Never install the new version over the old version. Always use a new folder. Installing over an older version of Runtime can cause the installation to fail, and invalidate the existing installation.

Start DATPROF Runtime 

Start the new version of Runtime using the existing Data folder as a required Parameter

On Windows:

<New Runtime Installation Folder>\runtimeStart.bat  <RuntimeDataFolder of Previous Version.>

On Linux: 

<New Runtime Installation Folder>/runtimeStart.bat  <RuntimeDataFolder of Previous Version.>

Before starting the application, three things will occur:

  1.  A new file is created in the conf folder of the <RuntimeDataFolder>
  2.  The file is merged with the
  3.  The file is removed.

At this point you can reconfigure the new Runtime version as a service using /runtime/latest/runtime-installation/install-runtime-as-a-windows-service as a guide.

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