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Define generators for Orders

We are now going to determine which generators we will use to create test data.

  • Select the ORDER_ID column
  • Choose the following generator: 'Sequential number'
  • Enter the following start value: 10000000

After setting up this generator, you will see the warning icon change into a key. Key fields should always be given a generator to ensure the referential integrity of the database.

  • Select the CUSTOMER_ID column
  • Choose the following generator: 'Foreign key'

This generator creates a loop to the previously created generator in the CUSTOMERS table

We are now going to generate dates

  • Select the ‘PLAN_DATE’ column
  • Choose the following generator: 'Random date/time'
  • Enter the following min value: '2001-01-01 00:00:00'
  • Enter the current date and time as max vallue

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