Define generators
We are now going to determine which generators we will use to create test data.
- Select the CUSTOMER_ID column
- Choose the following generator: 'Sequential number'
- Enter the following start value: 1000000
After setting up this generator, you will see the warning icon change into a key. Key fields should always be given a generator to ensure the referential integrity of the database.
- Select the LAST_NAME column
- Choose the following generator: 'Last name'
- Select the lanuages: NL and US
- Enter the following Seed: 'DATPROFGenerationSeed'
We are now going to generate surnames in the same way but in capital letters.
- Select the LAST_NAME_UPPER column
- Choose the following generator: 'Last name'
- Select the lanuages: NL and US
- Enter the following Seed: 'DATPROFGenerationSeed'
- Enter the following Post SQL statement : 'upper(LAST_NAME_UPPER )'
Let's do one more:
- Select the GENDER column
- Choose the following generator: 'Weighted list'
- Modify the values to Female and Male
- Make it 60 percent women and 40 percent men
- Drag the Null values bar to 10 percent