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How can I get a list of all classifications of the tables from my Subset project file

I have a Subset projectfile and like to have a list of  the table classifications . How can I extract this from my template?

Step-by-step guide

  • Start Windows Powershell (use WINDOWSKEY-R → powershell)
    Then type this command:
  • ([xml](Get-Content -Path <SubSetProjectFile>)).project.states.state.pattern  |select schema,table,classification

    schema table                     classification
    ------ -----                     --------------
    dbo    DWH_CUSTOMERS_HIS         Start         
    dbo    DWH_SUPPLIER_CONTACTS_HIS Unused        
    dbo    DWH_ORDERS_HIS            Subset        
    dbo    DWH_PRODUCTS_HIS          Unused        
    dbo    DWH_SUPPLIER_PRODUCT_HIS  Unused        
    dbo    DWH_SERIALS_HIS           Unused        
    dbo    DWH_CONTRACTS_HIS         Unused        
    dbo    DWH_LOCATIONS_HIS         Subset        
    dbo    DWH_TASKS_HIS             Unused        
    dbo    DWH_CONTRACT_DETAILS_HIS  Unused        
    dbo    DWH_SUPPLIERS_HIS         Unused   
  • And if you like a gridview add | Out-gridvied → ([xml](Get-Content Path <SubSetProjectFile>)).project.states.state.pattern  |select schema, table, classification | out-gridview

You can add or or remove columns from your output. Available fields on this Path are:

  • classification
  • connection
  • name
  • table
  • schema

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