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Accidently I set my Runtime PARALLEL to 0 and now I cannot restart the runtime.


In DATPROF Runtime, I set the parameter PARALLEL to 0, which caused the agent to crash.

The issue arises because the PARALLEL setting is used in a calculation. When it's set to 0, a divide-by-zero error occurs.

Okay, but why can't I restart the agent?

It keeps crashing even when I manually update the parameter in the database.

The problem is that after a crash, the settings are not read from the database but rather from a file.


The PARALLEL setting is retrieved from the database and written to a JSON file.

When the agent is restarted, it attempts to continue from where it left off, using the JSON file to access the current settings.

Since this file still contains the PARALLEL setting of 0, the agent keeps crashing.

To solve this error:

  • Go to: <DATAFOLDER>/agents/<agentIdFolder>/run/package/parameters.JSON
  • Edit this file and adjust the PARALLEL Setting
  • Restart the agent
  • Update the Parameter PARALLEL in the correct environment.

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