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A Powershell script for an automated Runtime test using API(v2)

One of the DATPROF Runtime features is the availablity of a RESTful API.

Using it may look somewhat complicated.

In this post you will find an example of a test in a project/environment which initial does not exist and at the end is removed.

All requests, except one,  are done via invoke-webrequest. For reasons unclear to us we failed to use this tool for uploading a package. There curl.exe is used,

In this script:

  • A project is created
  • An environment is created
  • An application is uploaded
  • An application is installed in an environment
  • A scenario is started
  • The status of the run  is polled for every 5 seconds.
  • When finshed the environment is deleted
  • The project is deleted


# Path to Curl executable
$curlExe = 'D:\curl\curl.exe'

# Runtime URL
$runtimeUrl = 'http://localhost:7070' 

# API Key/Token
$apiKey = '12345678-abcd-1234-abcd-123456789012'

# Name of your to be created Project
$newProject = '{ "name": "AutomatedProject" }'

# Name of your to be created Environment
$newEnvironment = '{"name": "AutomatedEnvironment"}'

# Full path to application package that must be uploaded and installed
$applicationpackage = 'D:\Documents\DATPROF\Privacy\TestAutomation\dpfgen\'

# Name of the scenario that must be executed
$runScenario = 'anonymize'

# Target Database Connection 
$connParam = '{\"type\":\"ORACLE\",\"host\":\"\",\"port\":\"1521\",\"username\":\"USER\",\"password\":\"PWD\",\"sid\":\"XE\"}'

# Create Runtime Project

    try {
        $resProj = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $runtimeUrl'/api/2/projects' -Headers @{"X-Auth-Token"="$apiKey"} -Method POST -Body $newProject -ContentType "application/json" | ConvertFrom-Json
        Write-Host 'Project created' $
    catch { $_.Exception.Response }
    $projectId = $   

# Create Runtime Environment
    $newEnvironment = '{ "projectId":"'+$projectId+'" , "name": "AutomatedEnvironment", "type":"ORACLE" }'

    try {
        $resEnv = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $runtimeUrl'/api/2/environments' -Headers @{"X-Auth-Token"="$apiKey"} -Method POST -Body $newEnvironment -ContentType "application/json" | ConvertFrom-Json
        Write-Host 'Environment created' $
        #Add Target Connection Parameter
        $newParameter = '{ "environmentId": "' + $ + '", "name":"DPF_TARGET_CONNECTION", "value": "'+$connParam+'", "defaultValue":"'+$connParam+'", "type": "CONNECTIONSTRING", "isUserDefined": "false", "description": ""}' 
        $targetParam = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $runtimeUrl'/api/2/parameters' -Headers @{"X-Auth-Token"="$apiKey"} -Method POST -Body $newParameter -ContentType "application/json" | ConvertFrom-Json
    catch { $_.Exception.Response }

    $envId = $

# Upload application (currently uses curl)

    try {
        $resApp = & $curlExe -F file=@"$applicationpackage"  --header "X-auth-token: f252c96b-9fdd-4fe1-ab12-4235f68f0cbd"  $runtimeUrl/api/2/applications?projectId=$projectId  -X POST -s | ConvertFrom-Json
        $appId = $
        Write-Host 'Application uploaded '$appId
    catch { $_.Exception.Response }
# Install application
    try {
        $uri = $runtimeUrl+'/ajax/projects/'+$projectId+'/environments/'+$envId+'/installations/'+$appId
        $resInstall = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri  -Headers @{"X-Auth-Token"="$apiKey"} -Method POST -Body $newEnvironment -ContentType "application/json" | ConvertFrom-Json
        Write-Host 'Installed application' $   
    catch { $_.Exception.Response }

# Start a new run with given scenario
    try {

        $uri = $runtimeUrl+'/api/2/runs'
        $scenario = '{"environmentId":'+$envId+',"scenarioName":"'+$runScenario+'"} '
        Write-Host  'Starting run with scenario: ' $runScenario
        $resRun = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri  -Headers @{"X-Auth-Token"="$apiKey"} -Method POST -Body $scenario -ContentType "application/json"  | ConvertFrom-Json 
        $runId = $ 
    catch { $_.Exception.Response }

# Loop while run is active

        $uri = $runtimeUrl+'/api/2/runs/'+$runId
        $resRunStatus = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri  -Headers @{"X-Auth-Token"="$apiKey"} -Method GET  -ContentType "application/json"  | ConvertFrom-Json 
        $runStatus = $resRunStatus.status  
        Write-Host 'Run status: '$runStatus
        Start-Sleep -seconds 5

    } while (($runStatus -ne 'ABORTED') -and ($runStatus -ne 'DONE')  ) 

    Write-Host 'Run is finished succesfully or is aborted by the user' 

# Delete environment

    try {
        Write-Host "Delete environment $envID"
        $uri = $runtimeUrl+'/api/2/environments/'+$envId
        $res = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Headers @{"X-Auth-Token"="$apiKey"} -Method Delete 
    catch { $_.Exception.Response }

# Delete Project 

    try {
        Write-Host "Delete project $projectID"
        $uri = $runtimeUrl+'/api/2/projects/'+$projectId
        $res = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Headers @{"X-Auth-Token"="$apiKey"} -Method Delete 
    catch { $_.Exception.Response } 

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