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Supported Operating Systems

  • Microsoft Windows 7 or higher or Microsoft Windows server 2012 or higher.

Hardware/Software Requirements

  • CPU: x86 1GHZ or higher. 
  • Memory:  at least 4GB RAM.
  • Diskspace: at least 1GB.
  • .NET Framework 4.8

Supported Databases

Generally, the databases described in the table below are supported. However, due to continual development, it's possible that certain database version which have reached their end-of-life support may be unable to use future version of Analyze.

DATPROF applies to her software the proscribed life-cycles as suggested by database vendors.

OracleVersion 11.2 and above
Microsoft SQL Server

Version 2008 (not for Runtime)

Version 2012

Version 2014

Version 2016*

Version 2017*

Version 2019*

DB2 LUW10.5 and above
DB2 for i




9.5 and above


Additional Database Requirements

Database ArchetypeAdditional Requirements
  • Select permissions on the tables in the schemas to analyze
SQL Server
  • Datareader permissions in the database to analyze
DB2 LUW / DB2 For iSeries
  • To use DATPROF Analyze on DB2 for Linux, Unix, Windows (LUW) the following IBM software is required on the client PC: The 64 bit version of IBM DB2 Data server driver package.
  • After installation extend the PATH environment variable with the bin folder of the installation. (usually: c:\program files\IBM\IBM DATA SERVER DRIVER\bin ) 
  • Select permissions on the tables in the schema to analyze
PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB
  • Data reading / select permissions on all imported tables for the user account used to connect through Analyze to the database.
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