In order to start the installation process, execute the AnalyzeSetup_x64<VERSION>.exe executable. After doing this, the following screens will show up. Generally this process is very easy to follow and with some prior knowledge of installing software this should explain itself. However, below are all the various steps detailing which options to pick during certain dialog screens.
Check and accept the license.
Select the location where you’d like to install DATPROF Analyze.
Select Normal installation.
Select the start menu folder.
Either tick the “Create a desktop shortcut” box to create an executable shortcut on your desktop, or leave it blank to skip this step.
View selections and select Install. The installation will start including Microsoft C++ redistributables.
Finish installation
In this screen, you must provide your license key for DATPROF Analyze. If you do not have access to your license key, or are unable to connect with your supplied license key, please contact us at for support.
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