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To begin the installation process, execute the AnalyzeSetup-<VERSION>.exe executable. Once initiated, a series of screens will appear. This process is generally straightforward, and with basic knowledge of software installation, it should be self-explanatory. However, the following steps provide detailed guidance on which options to select during specific dialog screens.

Analyze Setup 1.PNG

Check and accept the license.

Analyze Setup 2.PNG

Select the location where you’d like to install DATPROF Analyze.

Analyze Setup 3.PNG

Select the start menu folder.

Analyze Setup 4.PNG

Either tick the “Create a desktop shortcut” box to create an executable shortcut on your desktop, or leave it blank to skip this step.

Analyze Setup 5.PNG

View selections and select Install. The installation will start including Microsoft C++ redistributable packages.

Analyze Setup 6.PNG

Analyze Setup 7.PNG

Finish installation

Analyze License 1.PNG

On this screen, you will need to enter your license key for DATPROF Analyze. If you do not have access to your license key or experience any issues with the provided key, please submit a support ticket at

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