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DATPROF Analyze Manual

DATPROF Analyze is a powerful data analysis tool designed to provide users with deep insights into large, structured databases. With advanced profiling capabilities, Analyze helps users assess data quality, identify specific patterns or data types, and detect statistical outliers, ultimately improving data consistency.

In this manual

This manual provides a comprehensive guide to the features, functionality, and options available to you as an Analyze developer. It is designed to equip you with all the tools needed to maximize your use of the software. However, please note that this manual is not intended as an FAQ or a knowledge base for known issues. For troubleshooting and specific issues, we offer a dedicated knowledge base on our documentation site.

To navigate the manual, you can use the left-hand index to browse articles or the search bar to find specific topics of interest. If you find that any information is missing or unclear, we encourage you to contact us with your feedback. At DATPROF, we are committed to creating high-quality resources for our partners and are continually working to expand and improve the content to enhance its usefulness and clarity.

This manual is continuously updated, and it is possible to select the version-appropriate material of the manual at the top-right of this page. 

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